When it comes to selecting countertops, classic white MARBLE remains the top choice for many homeowners. It’s no surprise that marble countertops are so popular—the material has been attracting fans for millennia.
When our customers ask us about our wisdom in installing marble countertops, our usual answer is, “it depends on where you’re going to use them.”
Marble makes a good surface for bathrooms, offices, fireplace surrounds, and other locations where they don’t get heavy use. However, it is less recommended for the kitchen due to its porous nature and because the material isn’t sturdy enough for the kitchen.
How to Select Marble Slabs
Every stone slab is slightly different, so it’s ideal to select the exact pieces of stone that will be used for your countertops. There is an art to marble—selecting the slabs and understanding where the veining is going to be located on the countertop. You want to artfully place the markings so that it’s almost like a painting.
At the same time, it’s important to consider how different pieces come together. The longer the piece you can get without any seams, the better. If you do have seams, it’s always nice to book-match the marble, so adjacent pieces have a mirrored appearance.

Maintaining Marble Countertops
Finishing marble countertops with a penetrating sealer is essential for long-term performance. Acids will still etch the surface. Fortunately, if the countertop has a honed finish, an etched mark can usually be removed by scrubbing with a Comet paste using a Scotch-Brite pad. If it’s a polished surface, it will require different abrasives and technical skill, which might best be left to a professional. If the marble does get a stain, it can often be removed with an alkaline poultice that gradually pulls the offending material out of the stone as it dries. But any of these interventions will also strip the sealer, so it needs to be reapplied after the repair.
Source: ArchitecturalDigest